Enterprise Mentoring is as valued as ever

I continue to work in collaboration with SFEDI Awards and the IOEE delivering the very successful UK wide enterprise mentor training programme.

The quality of mentors is very high as is their commitment and engagement.  They are recruited via UK Finance and the commercial parts of the UK's largest banks, notably Lloyds Banking Group, which remains the corporate lead nationally.

Mentors complete the Level 3 Award in Enterprise Mentoring which has become the bench marked accreditation for me for this field of enterprise support.  They volunteer one hour a month of their time and are matched professionally and with on going support by a n approved mentoring organisation.

Mentors say most frequently to me that the benefits to them are that they are going to be able to "give something back", improve their own skills and development, and better understand and appreciate what its like to run a small business and the pressures and motivations of an enterprise owner.

The delivery of the training takes place across the UK.  My most recent locations have included Bristol, Edinburgh, Manchester and London.