Sisu - learning from Finland in a crisis

I came across the word ‘sisu’ and found out that it’s a Finnish word which, although it cannot be translated exactly, means in essence strength of will, determination, perseverance and being able to act rationally in the face of adversity.

The word ‘sisu’ is about resilience.

It seems to me we could all do with some sisu right now as Covid-19 takes hold and our lives and work are majorly disrupted.

Resilient people:

  • Can turn bad into success, learn from it and change

  • Are able to ‘bounce forwards’ (I know, many say we ‘bounce back’, but I say forwards)

  • Have the attitude & skill set that enables them to cope in tough times

  • Can be tested and come through

  • Are able to persevere and interpret set backs well

We are all capable as humans of having sisu

Some tried and tested actions are:

  • Focus on what is in your control and options for taking action

  • Ask for help and support and give it in return

  • Find a way when things seem over whelming to be calm. i.e. find your calm place! Press pause, step back, clear your head, take a breath, come into the present moment and tell yourself to think rationally.

Until tough times happen we don’t necessarily realise how resilient we are

When faced with adversity, humans are able to be sisu. It comes from within.

If you are in doubt, think of a time in the last week or so when you have been resilient, even in a small way.

What did you do and say; what did you think; how did you manage to do it?

Your answers will help you recognise how you are resilient.

Thinking skills

Resilience involves discovering the thoughts that you have when things are difficult to deal with that lead to negative feelings.

Sisu seems to give us the clues we need to get better, and even recover from, difficult and challenging situations.

Thank you, Finland.