Resources and sources of help for personal resilience

Lockdown 2 has brought wellbeing, mental health and personal resilience to the fore.

We can be pretty certain that this second lockdown has impacted hard and that the wave of the pandemic brought a wave of mental wellbeing challenges that are still here. Mental health and wellbeing is woefully under resourced by Government so while we can press for more support, we can’t wait around. We should also do things to help ourselves.

  1. Some of my client organisations are doing a fantastic job at supporting managers and staff with extensive wellbeing activities and learning. So the chances are at work, many people are getting some help and support.

  2. I have noticed that, if you know where to look, there are a decent amount of online resources, tips, ideas and advice for personal resilience and wellbeing.

Build your own resilience


It comes from within

Resilient people learn how to respond to difficult situations and find ways to deal with them.

Some curated links

Mind UK Wellbeing plans for managers and employees. You can complete your own wellbeing plan and choose who to share it with. Mind UK has some pages in tips for every day wellness.

Free personal i-resilience report from Robertson Cooper and there’s a short film on this page about what resilience is.

The NHS has some practical pages including the 5 Ways to Mental Wellbeing.

BITC has a wellbeing ‘arm’ where you can access Covid reports and responsible business information for the pandemic for organisations. It’s good for addressing responsible business practice in general.

TED Talks are great and there are some specific ones about dealing with stress. You can take some personally resilient steps right now by taking a break and learning at the same time.

Karen Reivich wrote a great book called ‘The Resilience Factor’ with Andrew Shatte. Karen blogs regularly and has defined the top ingredients for resilience if you want a quick read.

Resources, classes and webinars from Action for Happiness and a monthly calendar.

Apps - some suggestions although I haven’t tried all of these

Happy for Life (Apple and Android)

Provider Resilience (Android)

Adult Resilience Workbook (Apple)

SuperBetter (Apple)

ChangeBud Resilience Builder

“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that, and try to put together something that’s good.”

Here to help

During the four weeks of November lockdown I remain available to help and support you with tips, advice, 1-2-1 conversations and more.

Get in touch today for some help with your personal resilience.